- Version : 1.0.0 (02 September 2022)
- Author : K4-Security.Co.,Ltd (SujinLee)
This document describes the specification of KSChain DID.
This is a draft document and will be updated.
Blockchain-Based Identifier (KSChain)
The name string that identifiers this DID method is kscirc
1. KSChain DID Format
kschain-did = "did:kscirc:" + [specific-idstring]
specific-idstring = "k" + [base58-encoded-id]
base58-encoded-id = Base58-Encode(Version + Identifier + CRC)
- “k” (in specific-idstring) is prefix.
- “Version” means information of version. In the current version, this value is 0x00.
- “Identifier” is the result of performing an arbtirary shuffling function on the output value of Block Cipher(e.g. AES-256).
- “CRC” means has value of the first 4 bytes of the public key. In this specification, the hash algorithm uses SHA3-256.
- The length of “specific-idstring” is 52~53.